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Creating Dynamic UIs with Android Fragments, 2nd Edition
Creating Dynamic UIs with Android Fragments, 2nd Edition

Today's users expect mobile apps to be dynamic and highly interactive, with rich navigation features. These same apps must look fantastic whether running on a medium-resolution smartphone or high-resolution tablet. Fragments provide the toolset we need to meet these user expectations by enabling us to build our applications out of adaptable components that take advantage of the rich capabilities of each individual device and automatically adapt to their differences. This book looks at the impact fragments have on Android UI design and their role in both simplifying many common UI challenges and in providing best practices for incorporating rich UI behaviors. We look closely at the roll of fragment transactions and how to work with the Android back stack. Leveraging this understanding, we explore several specialized fragment-related classes such as ListFragment and DialogFragment. We then go on to discuss how to implement rich navigation features such as swipe-based screen browsing, ...
Learning Network Programming with Java
Learning Network Programming with Java

Network-aware applications are becoming more prevalent and play an ever-increasing role in the world today. Connecting and using an Internet-based service is a frequent requirement for many applications. Java provides numerous classes that have evolved over the years to meet evolving network needs. These range from low-level socket and IP-based approaches to those encapsulated in software services. This book explores how Java supports networks, starting with the basics and then advancing to more complex topics. An overview of each relevant network technology is presented followed by detailed examples of how to use Java to support these technologies. We start with the basics of networking and then explore how Java supports the development of client/server and peer-to-peer applications. The NIO packages are examined as well as multitasking and how network applications can address practical issues such as security. ...
Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift
Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift

Test-driven development (TDD) is a proven way to find software bugs early. Writing tests before your code improves the structure and maintainability of your app. Test-driven iOS Development with Swift will help you understand the process of TDD and how it impacts your applications written in Swift. Through practical, real-world examples, you'll start seeing how to implement TDD in context. We will begin with an overview of your TDD workflow and then deep-dive into unit testing concepts and code cycles. We will showcase the workings of functional tests, which will help you improve the user interface. Finally, you will learn about automating deployments and continuous integration to run an environment. ...
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino

Low-cost and high-performing, with a massively diverse range of uses and applications, the Raspberry Pi is set to revolutionize the way we think about computing and programming. By combining the Raspberry Pi with an Arduino board you'll be able to revolutionize the way you interact with your home and become part of a rapidly growing group of hobbyists and enthusiasts. This essential reference will guide you through a series of exciting projects that will allow you to automate your very own home. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step examples, diagrams, and explanations you will not only find it incredibly productive but also highly engaging and informative. ...
Node.js 8 the Right Way
Node.js 8 the Right Way

JavaScript is the backbone of the modern web, powering nearly every web app's user interface. Node.js is JavaScript for the server. This greatly expanded second edition introduces new language features while dramatically increasing coverage of core topics. Each hands-on chapter offers progressively more challenging topics and techniques, broadening your skill set and enabling you to think in Node.js. Write asynchronous, non-blocking code using Node.js's style and patterns. Cluster and load balance services with Node.js core features and third-party tools. Harness the power of databases such as Elasticsearch and Redis. Work with many protocols, create RESTful web services, TCP socket clients and servers, and more. Test your code's functionality with Mocha, and manage its life cycle with npm. Discover how Node.js pairs a server-side event loop with a JavaScript runtime to produce screaming fast, non-blocking concurrency. Through a series of practical programming domains, use the lates ...
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, 2nd Edition
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, 2nd Edition

Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the web—even if you have little or no experience with data visualization or web development. It's inspiring and fun with this friendly, accessible, and practical hands-on introduction. This fully updated and expanded second edition takes you through the fundamental concepts and methods of D3, the most powerful JavaScript library for expressing data visually in a web browser. Ideal for designers with no coding experience, reporters exploring data journalism, and anyone who wants to visualize and share data, this step-by-step guide will also help you expand your web programming skills by teaching you the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. Learn D3 4.x—the latest D3 version—with downloadable code and over 140 examples; Create bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, stacked bar charts, and force-directed graphs; Use smooth, animated transitions to show changes in your data; Introduce interactivity to h ...
Mobile App Development with Ionic, Revised Edition
Mobile App Development with Ionic, Revised Edition

Learn how to build app store-ready hybrid apps with Ionic, the framework built on top of Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) and Angular. This revised guide shows you how to use Ionic's tools and services to develop apps with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, rather than rely on platform-specific solutions found in Android, iOS, and Windows Universal. Author Chris Griffith takes you step-by-step through Ionic's powerful collection of UI components, and then helps you use it to build three cross-platform mobile apps. Whether you're new to this framework or have been working with Ionic 1, this book is ideal for beginning, intermediate, and advanced web developers. Understand what a hybrid mobile app is, and what comprises a basic Ionic application; Learn how Ionic leverages Apache Cordova, Angular, and TypeScript to create native mobile applications; Create a Firebase-enabled to-do application that stores data across multiple clients; Build a tab-based National Park explorer app with Googl ...
Data Science with Java
Data Science with Java

Data Science is booming thanks to R and Python, but Java brings the robustness, convenience, and ability to scale critical to today's data science applications. With this practical book, Java software engineers looking to add data science skills will take a logical journey through the data science pipeline. Author Michael Brzustowicz explains the basic math theory behind each step of the data science process, as well as how to apply these concepts with Java. You'll learn the critical roles that data IO, linear algebra, statistics, data operations, learning and prediction, and Hadoop MapReduce play in the process. Throughout this book, you'll find code examples you can use in your applications. Examine methods for obtaining, cleaning, and arranging data into its purest form;Understand the matrix structure that your data should take;Learn basic concepts for testing the origin and validity of data;Transform your data into stable and usable numerical val ...
Applied Text Analysis with Python
Applied Text Analysis with Python

The programming landscape of natural language processing has changed dramatically in the past few years. Machine learning approaches now require mature tools like Python's scikit-learn to apply models to text at scale. This practical guide shows programmers and data scientists who have an intermediate-level understanding of Python and a basic understanding of machine learning and natural language processing how to become more proficient in these two exciting areas of data science. This book presents a concise, focused, and applied approach to text analysis with Python, and covers topics including text ingestion and wrangling, basic machine learning on text, classification for text analysis, entity resolution, and text visualization. Applied Text Analysis with Python will enable you to design and develop language-aware data products. You'll learn how and why machine learning algorithms make decisions about language to analyze text; how to ingest, wrangle, and preprocess language d ...
Mastering Modular JavaScript
Mastering Modular JavaScript

Tackle two aspects of JavaScript development, modularity and ECMAScript 6 (ES6). With this practical guide, frontend and backend Node.js developers alike will learn how to scale out JavaScript applications by breaking codebases into smaller modules. Author Nicolas Bevacqua also covers features in ES6 - the latest version of the specification that includes JavaScript - that support modularization. If you're a frontend developer or backend Node.js developer with a working knowledge of JavaScript, this book is for you. It's ideal for semi-senior developers, senior developers, technical leaders, and software architects. ...
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